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What Are The Benefits Of Selling Or Recycling Old Mobile Phones?

Though not officially, mobile phones have become a basic necessity for us. But there comes a time when we need to replace our mobile phones for many reasons. It could be boredom, the poor performance of the device, physical damage, or outdated features. While most users find it convenient to dump their old cell phones to their advantage, selling or recycling them could be a win-win situation for everyone.

We should not forget that mobile phones contribute to e-waste, and every year millions of them go to landfills. Given the fact that almost one-third of a mobile phone is made up of recyclable materials, getting rid of them this way is like putting our foot on the axe. Here we explain the benefits of doing so if you wonder why to recycle or sell my old phone:-

Protect the Environment

Cell phone parts, such as batteries are hazardous to environmental and human health. These non-biodegradable materials containing toxic chemicals like arsenic, cadmium, lead when coming into contact with soil and water contaminate them. When you recycle a phone, you protect the environment from such harmful substances. Surprisingly, small amounts of rare metals like gold, silver, and copper are used in a phone that can be recovered and reused through recycling.

An unused phone can still be of use by helping you to earn extra cash by selling it. Many websites provide cash for selling or swapping your old handset for a new one. With a little bit of online research, you can find companies that collect out of use mobile devices and pay customers as part of their efforts to encourage phone recycling. You can spend the money earned from selling or recycling on buying your next phone or other stuff.

Recycling a phone is an excellent way of reducing energy consumption. The energy saved through recycling can run a laptop computer for around 40 hours. And if we see it in the larger picture, recycling millions of phones might conserve enough energy needed to power thousands of homes a year.

A damaged cell phone or one that has gone through wear and tear can incur extra costs on getting it repaired. But if you decide to sell or recycle it, not only do you save the repair cost, but you get a good price for it.

Depending on the phone’s condition, you can decide whether to sell it if you want some cash or get it recycled if you want to save the planet. Either way, it would benefit everyone involved. Keep these benefits in mind for the next time when you have thoughts like why to sell my old phone.

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