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6 Outstanding Apps For School Administration

If you own a public high school or you run a private school, you must be well aware of the challenges of administration. The good news is that there is an app for every trial that administration faces. Here are 6 outstanding apps for school administration:


There was a time when administrators were stuck doing all the paperwork. Nowadays, you can easily keep a track of all the documents by placing them in the cloud. By doing so, you don’t even save your time but money too.


This amazing app lets you scan, sign and email documents even on the go. You just have to save your electronic signature once in your account and then you can easily add them to any document you like and that too without even printing and re-scanning.

Observation 360:

This wonderful app permits administrators to save observations and assessments of the teaching faculty. It also helps in sharing different resources with teachers which helps them in becoming better in their field.


Using this remarkable app, people can easily capture and share notes and web sites with each other. It is especially very useful if the administrators are working on a specific project.


In an institute, it is not easy to keep people up to date. Some incredible apps let you share the information with everyone very easily. You do not have to email people individually as these appskeep you at par with the latest form or document.

Google Drive:

This brilliant cloud based app is useful for keeping a track of all school’s manuals, forms and documents. This is a chrome extension that many people don’t avail in spite of it being so beneficial. All the people who have given the access to Google Drive can easily check out a specific presentation very quickly and without any effort.

Dragon Dictation:

In this fast world, it is not easy to type everything in such less time. To solve this problem, you can get this valuable app as it changes your voice to text. You can talk instead of typing in case you want to send emails, memos or any other thing.

And the good news for Android users of School administration apps? Android N is coming with multi window support which should make multi-tasking a whole lot easier.



This convenient app lets you use your tablet as a teleprompter. So it is great for using during lectures, discourses or any other event where you have to speak. This app not only provide you with cues but also gives you scrolling reminder of what would come next.

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